6 Months Of Exclusive Breastfeeding Harmful?

Dr. Jamie Richards's picture
on July 3, 2017 - 4:01pm

If it is wasn't already difficult enough to be a mom... things just got trickier. Especially if ensuring your child is properly nourished is one of your goals.

Food to a growing child is keystone requirement.

What do we mean by "keystone"?

If you want to build a quality house you would only use the best materials, to build an optimally healthy child you would require the best quality materials as well, which in this example, means the highest quality fuel.

In 2001 the World Health Organization published a study claiming that the minimum age a mother should even consider weaning a child off breast milk (provided you could breastfeed) was 6 months of age.

However, recent data has challenged that claim and caused a boat-load of confusion for a lot of caring moms and dads.

Our goal for this episode is to help pierce the veil and get to the heart of the issue. It's to help you know if 'research' like this is load of garbage or has some validity.

We want to do our best to help you decide what to do.


Here Is What We Covered

  • Learn to separate the strategy from the requirement. The requirement is not to breastfeed your child. The requirement is to supply your child with adequate nutrition. Breastfeeding just happens to be the best strategy.
  • Does breast milk have enough 'nutrients' to support a child exclusively to 6 months and beyond, or should you start to supplement sooner?
  • Peanuts and Gluten as introductory foods? Is it ever a good idea to give those to your kids, and what is the impact if you choose to?
  • Is this 'evidence' legit or could there be ulterior motives at play? Many of the researchers are being accused of working for formula manufacturers. Who can you trust and how do you know?

Stuff From This Episode

Six months of breastmilk alone is too long and could harm babies, scientists now say

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--- Jamie
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