
We believe that every human being is designed to be extraordinary.

That means you reading this right now… yes you!

Have you ever been scared about the health of a loved one, or about the health of your children?

Have you ever had an experience with your current health care provider that has left you thinking “that just doesn’t make sense”?

Have you ever felt hopeless about your health and wondered… “I’ve been doing everything they have told me to do… why am I not healthier”?

If you are at all interested in health, life, success, and happiness, this podcast is for you.

Dr. Jamie Richards and Dr. Kresimir Jug never shy away from an interesting and fun conversation that will leave you, passionately engaged, ready to take action, and always wanting to learn more.

Don't Just Take Our Word For It:

My Weekly Inspiration..."LBDW is my weekly inspiration to continue living an extraordinary life."

Inspiring and practical..."I'm so impressed by the life by design podcast, and can absolutely see the evolution of it over time. It was good in the past, but I'd say they are refining and explaining the concepts at a whole new level."

Amazing podcast..."I recently discovered this podcast by accident and despite already listening to more excellent podcasts than I have time for, this one has bumped its way to the top!"

Click the button below to submit a question for the show.

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Monday, May 17, 2021 - 14:36
When I tell people what we eat, their first response is... "That sounds pretty restricted!" After which I ask them what they had for breakfast today? "Cereal." And the day prior? "Cereal." How about for the foreseeable future? "...
Monday, March 8, 2021 - 14:14
How is it possible for a simple, seemingly logical statement, to have the capacity to lead to such potentially detrimental outcomes? That is the crux of the problem. This statement, while appearing innocuous, is far from it. What is this...
Wednesday, February 24, 2021 - 13:30
One way to stack the deck in favour of the highest quality sleep experience is to craft the perfect restoration routine. A routine is a series of actions done repeatedly. Not all routines are helpful, or move you towards a predetermined goal,...
Monday, February 8, 2021 - 14:48
Salt is bad for you! Right? Or is it? Now I'm confused. That's OK... Most of us have been convinced that salt consumption is something that must be restricted at all costs. Too much salt increases the risk for heart disease...
Monday, January 25, 2021 - 16:19
Most people assume they'll know when they have a problem with their spine. The criteria is simple... it hurts! Until that point, the spine is just a bag of bones doing it's job to keep us upright. Imagine if that's how we thought about...
Thursday, January 21, 2021 - 09:19
One of the most under appreciated facets of health is the gut. In the past, the digestive system was seen as a simple system. Food entered and left one long tube, only to be digested and nutrients absorbed along the way. Now, an...
Monday, November 23, 2020 - 21:28
Germs are a part of the world we live in and are necessary to a healthy productive human life. Bacteria plays a vital role in our normal physiology and not all types should be feared or avoided. It's one of those things that belong in...
Monday, November 16, 2020 - 10:05
Does vitamin D have any positive direct effect on the immune system? That's the question we seek to answer this week on Life By Design. We are using direct to mean, if you take Vitamin D, is there any data pointing out that you may have...
Monday, November 9, 2020 - 10:42
Despite a growing body of evidence, the peanut gallery still repeats the mantra... "There's no evidence to 'prove' Chiropractic works." Of course, when asked what is meant by 'evidence' and 'works', there is no clear response, yet the same...
Monday, November 2, 2020 - 12:10
There was, and maybe it's still being circulated on your social media feeds, a meme that goes something like this: "Losing weight is hard; being overweight is hard; choose your hard." "Being broke is hard; Becoming rich is hard; choose your...

Life By Design Podcast

If you are at all interested in health, life, success, and happiness, this podcast is for you. Dr. Jamie Richards and Dr. Kresimir Jug never shy away from an interesting and fun conversation that will leave you, passionately engaged, ready to take action, and always wanting to learn more.

Listen Now!

What People Are Saying...

We've never felt better in our lives!
- Sarah & John A.